Sunday, 14 November 2010

"Why do I always find the holes?"

“Why do I always find the holes?”

“Why do you always find the holes?” he says, after pointing and laughing at my twisted ankle and soppy, wet, grass stained knees!  Thank heaven the car has a heater with ‘point at feet’ option.  But this lead me to wondering firstly,  do I really find holes in EVERYTHING but I don’t feel like analysing my insecurities and self-destructive tendencies right at this moment and secondly, if men are from Mars and women from Venus, is Mars main mode of entertainment, slap stick comedy?  Charlie Chaplin and Frank Spencer, ‘Ohhhh Betty!’ slipping on banana skins and failing miserably at D.I.Y.?

Is it some kind of evolutionary tell tale from when men spent their days metaphorically, whacking things on the head with rubber mallets?  More controversially, what does it say about the complexity, or lack therefore of the male psyche and levels of intelligence when related to emotions such as happiness?  Should we be surprised that a man is total, insensitive tosser during ‘Auntie Flows’ visit when at the back of his mind he’s thinking ‘Ha-Ha!’ (In Simpson-esque manner) or desperately holding in the joke of, ‘Never trust anything that bleeds for five days straight and doesn’t die’.

Taking this further, can the level of ‘Y’ chromosome, the level of ‘daddy’ originated genes in a women be determined by the number of times she laughs at ‘Jackass The Movie’ versus the number of eye-rolls or squeamish grunts of disgust or incredulity?

Then thinking about the popularity of things like Jackass and reality T.V. mediaising the pain and happiness of others in extreme situations and getting worried how far away we are from snuff movies for public entertainment.  I recognised a modern trait that seems to be increasing.  In this day and age of technological, medial, scientific and even Thomas Cook travel advancement, does the average man, woman and child feel impotent in the natural human need to discover and adventure?  A hundred years ago people seemed so much more content, is that because their lifestyle opinions were so much fewer, whereas now there’s always something bigger and better to be having or doing, a wide screen plasma T.V., a trip to Australia for the weekend?

We are still living by the old rules of happiness, the white picket fence, car, job, family and dog but now there’s so much more out there and there’s less satisfaction in the thrill of discovery as like the misnomer of ‘Avant-Garde Theatre’, it’s all been done before.  We’ve achieved freedom, equality, wealth, science, even been to the moon – well at least in the developed west.   

Have we become complacent and apathetic, shutting off all those childish dreams just to survive because we’re so much more logically and grounded these days than to believe in dreams.  Like the drug addict do we need an increasing bigger hit just to feel something, to feel connected perhaps, especially with the growth of autonomous cityscapes and high rise offices?  Is that why more people seem to drink ‘til their plastered, take drugs, experiment sexually and physically in adrenalin junkie activities, or it is just because we can?

If you think about the most popular, ‘Box Offices’ smashes in our lifetimes, how many of them involve Superheroes – men with great power and responsibility that bear the irksome weight of the martyr to protect and save, to show unconditional compassion and hope in the potentiality of mankind?  Does this harken back to hunter instincts that psychologically point to a simpler time of honour and valour and the regret and guilt at the cut-throat world we now live in.  I know I want to be a hero, to make a difference, to fly into the heavens with Kyrptonian blood or in a ‘bigger on the inside’ police box and escape the daily grind and for the first time in centuries seems meaningless and void of true advancement on a social level.

How many of the movies are set in space again nodding to man’s need to explore and escape and how debilitated so many in society feel that they have to turn to the cinema for cathartic release.  Do you realise how many applicants to jobs there are in dangerous and self-proving jobs such as fire fighting?

Yet having drown attention to the desperation of our times and the often negative results of violent crime, alcoholism, promiscuity, it’s also so amazingly hopeful that something undefined within us all seems to rebel against the nature of our world and need to be the hero, the carer, the lover, to make a difference but those dreams are so easily stilted and euthanized in so many ways when faced with capitalism and economy, how do we pay the mortgage and keep up with the ‘Jones’?

I fear at some point the global psychological of the world is just going to snap and either properly embrace indifference and selfish ambitions or self-destruct in the face of the guilt and inadequacy of these feelings and hopefully then change can happen.

Oh this is way to depth thought for on a Sunday morning, let me just punish my body with some nicotine for blogging and not doing!!!

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