Monday, 22 November 2010

Can you Write Sex?

Can you Write sex?

First of all there’s way too many pronouns and chronology:  he did this, then she did that which made him blah…
Secondly there are not enough synonyms in the English language for anatomical attributes and not enough fitting superlatives for expression – unless you’re writing really bad sex!
His arm wrapped around her waist while her hand drew soothing patterns on his skin.  His hand found her face and turned her to face him.  With a hand in her hair he held her face tenderly and the look on his face was so expressive and loving….blah blah blah
Lips and mouths are even harder, how can you describe a kiss without awkward repetition?  Then you find yourself with the dictionary open and you’re replacing mouth with orifice or mandible or worst, some clichéd turn of phrase like, ‘the door of his wet heat’, ‘his tongue’s tormented prison’?  Ah the metaphors!  Even the word love is so easily over used and you get more clinical and descriptive – affection, adoration, attraction, amorousness and none of then really mean the same until you’re replacing love with desire as the thesaurus is more forthcoming – adulation, infatuation, yearning, longing, passion, rapture, trembling loins!!!
The problem with physical intimacy is its physical and the emotional connection is powerful but instinctual.  How do you describe the feeling of romance or tenderness or delicacy or the myriad of hope, anticipation, excitement, thrill, fear, insecurity and even technical logistics without losing the heat of the moment?
Answers on a postcard please?
Or a comment

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