Sunday, 13 February 2011

Celebrity New Year's Resoltions 2011

The public love to live vicariously through iconic celebrities who live the lives that many of us only dream about.  We tend to distance the famous from normal people, seeing them as untouchable and sometimes even dieify them to lofty pedalstools and standards.  This is understandable as fame and fortune our influences in life choices and styles that many of us can’t conceive of but labelling someone as better or worse for their influence and media stature is dangerous.  The lives of these individuals are so exposed and reported that fans can have more knowledge of their heroes than their own family and that begs the question of whether these folk we aspire to are worthy role models for society.

The mundane and familiar environmental and social education and influences on these celebrities was perhaps never so evidenced as through their ‘New Year’s Resolutions for 2011’.  The curious and attentive populace wished to know what some of their favourite stars planned to change in the coming year.

The response was very down to earth in most cases with people like Kate Gosselin, of American pregnant reality show fame and Kim Kardashian, producer, actress and model commenting on their dating life and the epic comedian Jack Black voicing the wide spread hope on losing some weight.

A little different but still understandable due to celebrity lifestyles and commitments, Justin Timberlake of singing fame vowed to “get more sleep”, the female diva Miley Cyrus wanting to travel and Anderson Copper of CNN wishing to be a better friend to  his friends.

However some other recognisable faces made statements that in some cases were ridiculous, childish or even offensive.  Mel Gibson, for example managed to comment on his communication, sex life and gardening skills all in one breath.  The notorious actor/director is no novice in newspaper scandals and often diminishes his artistic talent through supposed bigotry and soap box antics on Catholism and Scientology.

Charlie Sheen, famous son of actor Martin Sheen with questionable reviews and success is older and wiser and apparently funnier as the fading star declares his intent to go back to comedy acting.

Brett Ratner, a huge name in the film industry involved in such box office masterpieces as Red Dragon and X-men: The Last Stand is taking some advice this year: “In 2011, I’m finally going to get around to reading some X-Men comics. My assistant says the characters have some really interesting back stories.”  While Ben Affleck of Armageddon and Will Hunting fame merely is desperate not to work in Boston again, ever.

Jerry Seinfeld is as immodest as ever as the award winning comic responses with sarcasim, “I want to make $75 million dollars without doing much of anything. Oh wait, I did that in 2010. I’m such a lucky asshole.”  Natalie Portman is a lot more demur and beautiful as she prays for her unborn baby and then ruefully prophesises her post-pregnant state as “Carrie Fisher frumpy-ness”.  Apparently the curse of Star Wars women.

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