Friday, 12 November 2010

Tesco Embarrassment

Tesco Embarrassment

So I’m out for a walk for the first time in 3 weeks after a killer, common cold that secretly I do believe scientists can cure but are procrastinating due to revenue from sickly sweet, cough mixers, Lemsip (which tastes so good and is so addictive) and a fondness for Strepsils (Common place brand name that reassures their suckers you that might have Streptococcus, “Have a Nice Day” – “Gee Thanks”).

So basically, feeling lousy but quietly confident and enthused at the prospect of seeing sunshine for the first time since the visit from the in-laws that probably made me sick in the first place (!) I head out in my new 8squid jeans from Tescos – hating the fact that they are yet another size bigger and blaming said cold for inactivity and after bopping along happily to Lady Gaga for 15mins I hear a quiet, “Excuse me?”

I cease bopping and turn to see a fashionable 40something, pleasantly smiling woman,
“You have a great big yellow sticker on your leg?”
“Oh?” and I’m twisting that a poor copy of a contortionist to see the offending item and low and behold, I got the price tag and the sewn on cardboard ‘F&F’ barcode thingy but missed the whopping great fluorescent yellow “Now only £8, buy me, buy me, I shop at Tescos for quality ‘cheap as chips’ denims” sticker.

Well I pulled it off and as I am always non-sensically honest and really not bothering by label louts or Paris Fashion say, “D’oh!  I pulled off all the other labels but you always miss one, thanks!”

And that’s fine right?  No, lovely random lady ignores statement and says, “Oh you must have sat down on it somewhere or something”.

Because I obviously ‘sat down’ on a large round, up turned Tesco sticker while buying groceries (which are legitimate to buy at Tescos???????)

If she hadn’t said that I would have thought nothing of it but now there’s that sinking realisation that a perfect stranger ‘enabled’ you to buy cheap clothes from Tescos by making up an obvious lie to make me feel better?  Like societies automatic response was to ‘excuse’ and wash over my shopping cart needs?  Like saying to a plastered, drunk at 2.00am on a Sunday morning who’s just gone flat on his face, “Oops, mustn’t have seen like pot hole there?  Damn Irish pavements”.

Ok so I don’t drive a BMW, actually I don’t drive, so that avoids THAT social faux pas but I do shop at Tescos ‘cause one they’re cheap, two I hate buying new clothes as I either a.) Spill something on them the first time I wear them or b.) hate to admit what size I am and am always planning to start the diet ‘tomorrow’ so why spend a fortune on ‘temporary’ clothes and three it means I avoid the ‘knowing’ looks from fashion gurus in high end stores, ‘You don’t belong…’ they whisper.

P.S. I put 'social psychology' on the tags list and then thought - isn't that sociology???  And Calvin Klein Jeans from Amazon anyone !!!!  Only 40 dollars?


Tesco launches 'couture' high-end fashion range

LONDON - Tesco is preparing to launch its first high-end fashion range in March, with items selling at up to £140.      LINK TO:

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