Monday, 22 November 2010

Anniversary of the J. F. K. Assassination

47 years to the day after the infamous assassination of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy and still no reconciliation of the masses to the proposed facts of the case.  What do we know?

We know:

  1. J. F. K. was fatally shot at on the 22nd November 1963 on Dealey Plaza,
    Elm Street
    in Dallas, Texas.  The shots were fired just past the Texas School Book Depository (where Lee Harvey Oswald worked) AND the accursed ‘Grassy Knoll”.
  2. The last words Kennedy probably heard were “Mr. President, you can't say Dallas doesn't love you?” spoken by Nellie Connaly, First Lady of Texas.
  3. According to wikipedia we have an overly accurate description of how he died, “as President Kennedy waved to the crowds on his right with his right arm upraised on the side of the limo, a shot entered his upper back, penetrated his neck, slightly damaged a spinal vertebra and the top of his right lung, exited his throat nearly centerline just beneath his Adam's apple, then nicked the left side of his suit tie knot.”
  4. Howard Brennan, a Steamfitter testified that he saw Oswald with a rifle (a ‘Carcano’) make the second shot from a sixth floor window of the Depository.
  5. Osald was arrested only 40minutes after the assassination, for the murder of a Dallas police officer, J. D. Tippit with a pistol after running into a movie theatre after dodging buying a ticket.  Oswald denies both murders.
  6. The ten-month investigation of the Warren Commission of 1963–1964, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) of 1976–1979, and other government investigations concluded that the President was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  7. Two days later Oswald was killed by Dallas nightclub owner, Jack Ruby during a prison transfer.
  8. Ruby was convicted but appealed the death sentence but soon died of lung cancer 3rd Jan 1967 before his appeal was ever heard.
  9. According to Wikipedia “polls conducted from 1966 to 2004 concluded approximately 80% of the American public” were unconvinced by the official judgements.

Many would describe the details of that day to be more than coincedental.  Bill Hicks, Comedy legend and opinionated fellow with remarkable intellegence and passion, often called into question the official beliefs of that event, playing out the absurdity of the government’s claims: “They have the window set up to look exactly as it did on that day and it’s really acurate ‘cause, Oswald’s not in it…Back and to the left…back and to the left… I know it looks to the layman our someone who might dabble in physics would be caused by a bullet coming from well…up here (pointing in the opposite direction to the sixth floor window).”

He only echoed the conspirary theorists over the decades that claimed the government to be lying to its people.  Of course if the government is lying then such a powerful body could easily fabricate evidence, buy witness statements and doctor reports.  Is it our patriotic pride and trust that makes the possibility so inconcievable especially in light of the various scandals proving the humanity and therefore sometimes lack of moral conscience or ethics of politicans.

All the jokes and stories that stereotypically lump all politicians into liars and disassemblers but society needs a structure, a security and foundation of belief.  Many also claim that the 1969 moon landing was a fake, mentioning the blowing American flag in the supposed atmospheric gravity bubble of the satelite.  What are the reasons behind these lies, if that indeed is what they are?  A powerful man would probably say protection of the populace, steering humanity the way it needs to go because the idea is stronger than the facts that attested it.

On an episode of Bones recently, the lab of the Jeffersonian was taken over by official looking types who brought the gift of an unidentified corpse dating back to 1963.  I have to wonder if today’s medical science could illuminate some shocks and facts?  However could the results of any such examination be trusted?

All together I feel frustrated as humanity often phrases the meaning of life itself as discovery and knoledge and the confusion rot by potential lies rips into so many basic truths that society is blind and free thinking misinformed.  Where do we even start, as a layman and not a genius scientist, when faced with the possibility of years of evolved knowledge being wrong?

Youtube video of Bill Hicks:

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