Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Doctor Who Day

As an avid and unashamed Whovian I have to report the petition to create an official Doctor Who Day!  For nearly 50years, which is like 'L' in Roman Numerals, DW has fluttered heartbeats and aspired dreamers, humanists and geekchic science nerds alike with its madcap mayhem and mania of its protagonist and the imaginative, moral, monstrous stories and plots.
Who of us doesn't silently dream of escape in a 'bigger on the inside' antiquated bobby blue, police telephone box hiding a universe of untempered discovery, stars in supernova, galaxies beyond the eagle eyes of the finest telescopic lens in the biggest and best earth observatories, anywhere, anywhen, adventure, self-worth, making a difference and seeing sights inconceivable to the human consciousness?  And top it off with an enigmatic, celery totting, cricket playing, badguy busting, Gallifreyian genius with the interpersonal skills of a puppy and backbone of Clarke Kent and the Hulk combined and the magnetism and prescense of Ret Bulter meeting the stereotypical sexy science teacher and fly me to Austen's England 'cause I'm going to swoon!
My love for the show isn't just the larger than life, heroic and tormented character of the Doctor, nor the epic episodes of creative fantastical genius but it is the potentiality of humanity and the idea that we can all be more than we are, better, stronger, braver and more complete and of course that dreams can come true even tot he most socially insignificant recluse living in their four walled cage.

So set the date ladies and gents 23rd NOVEMBER - the day of the first ever screening of William Hartnel, first fabulous Doctor way back int he eons of time, 1963!

Join the group of facebook and shares you're whovian celebratory ideas and spread the word.  lets sell out the fashion stores of brown pinstripes and bowties and tell really bad jokes like: What do you get when you cross a Dalek and a Vampire: 'Exsanguanate' and have fun before the festive season buries us all in sticky tapy, credit cards bills and the incessent repetition of one line of that Christmas Carol that you just can't get out of your head!

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