Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Happy Birthday David Tennant

Happy 40th David Tennant

Belated birthday wishes to the fantastic Scottish heart-throb David Tennant who celebrated his big 40 on Monday (18th April).  Most famous for his evocative and passionate performance as the 10th Doctor is the long running hit British series “Doctor Who”, David has more than earned a place in the hearts and minds of many devoted followers as not only an amazingly talented actor but genuinely good man.

I only hope he got some time to celebrate with his newborn daughter, Olive and fiancĂ© Georgia Moffat that wasn’t interpreted too much by lack of sleep and screaming babes!  Watching him on the Graham Morton show on the 9th and I can’t help but thinking that this guy not only parried and bested the alien scourges of the universe but must indeed be alien himself as his energy levels are insane!  Hoping, jumping, smiling that mega-watt grin of his only a week after the birth of his first child, the guy is the living, breathing embodiment of the Energiser Bunny! 

Ah but alas he’s a little OCD about paired socks and alphabetising, I’m afraid the unknown relationship his has with this obsessive fan is doomed to fail – I’m far too disorganised and scatter-brained!  But his adorable geek chic still begs me to track the guy down and give him a cuddle! 

This man saved my life, I have suffered from raging depression for almost a decade and when those lows cycle in, reason and vitally cycles out.  If he hadn’t come along with his sonic screwdriver and bigger on the inside box of mysteries I would have succumbed to the overwhelming pull of suicidal tendencies that belittle me and plague my passionate soul.  Doctor Who with its “Be more than you are” and “life is precious” mentality became an artistic outlet for me and a mantra to fight by.  So to our beloved lost Doctor – thank you, for a millions things and ways that you saved me and encouraged me that you will never know about.

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