Sunday, 13 February 2011

Baby Girl Names

When a new baby is born their parents want to name him or her something meaningful and different.  The importance of a name has been paramount in religious ceremony for millennia.  A name is the first aspect of identity and difference between individuals.  So many names are recycled in popularity but unless the parents are naming their child after someone they love or admire, it is common to want a name that is absent from their close community to signify a new life and new beginning.

There seems to be resurgence in the use of Biblical names perhaps as they are more old fashioned and uncommon or perhaps for what those names have come to mean and stand for.  There are over one hundred and sixty women mentioned in the Bible.  Some are only mentioned briefly or in passing and most people won’t even be aware that certain names have origins in the Bible.  Others are much more common for even those who are not well versed in scripture.

Mary is the most obvious and famous of female Biblical names.  It means rebellion or overthrow and may refer to the new wave of faith and promise of life that Mary the mother of Jesus was to instigate.  Mary the Madonna was a young unmarried woman to whom the angel Gabriel foretold that she would bare the Lord’s son out of wedlock.  This was even more scandalous in antiquity than modern society and the strength and devotion of Mary is highly praised.  She was even present at the crucifixion enduring the most unbearable pain for any mother with grace and belief.

Hannah is also well known and means grace or favoured.  She was supposed to be infertile but was blessed with a son, Samuel and in return for God’s kindness she gave Samuel back to the church under the care of Eli who would utter those immortal words of advice to the boy when God spoke to him, telling him to say, “Speak master, your servant is listening.”

Elizabeth meaning “oath of God” would birth the prophet John the Baptist whose onus was to prepare the way for the coming of God’s son, Jesus.  She was an old woman when she fell pregnant and thought such a condition to be impossible.  She showed great wisdom and faith as she leant words of support to Mary and rejoiced in their mutual blessings.

A few less recognised names include:

Abigail – mentioned in first Samuel 25 v 3 and meaning “Father’s joy”.
Ariel, not just the little mermaid but mentioned in Ezra and meaning altar; light or lion of God.
Bernice from Acts 25 v 13 – one that brings victory.
Bethany conversely the “House of Song” or “House of affliction” in Matthew 21 v 7.
Candace – Acts 8 v27 meaning one who possesses contrition.
Carmel meaning harvest from Joshua 12 v22.
Drusilla meaning watered by the dew with scripture reference Acts 24 v 24
Diana – with the very beautiful meaning of luminous or perfect hailing from Acts 19 v 27
Esther from the book of Esther meaning secret or hidden.
Eva from Genesis 3 v 20 meaning vivacious and living.
Faith has become a familiar name and is mentioned most beautiful with hope and charity in first Corinthians 13.
Joanna from Luke 8 v 3 meaning gift from God or grace.
Judith, genesis 26 v34 meaning praise of the Lord or confession.
Leah from Genesis 29 v16 translating as weary or tired.
Lois from second Timothy 1 v 5 meaning simply, better.
Miriam means rebellion and comes from Exodus 15 v 20.
Myra translates as I flow or weep and can be found in Acts 27 v 5.
Naomi which means beautiful and comes from Ruth 1 v 2.
Oprah is also actually Biblical, coming from Judges 6 v 11 and meaning both dust and a fawn.
Phoebe means shining or pure from Romans 16 v 1.
Priscilla from Acts 18 v 2 and means ancient.
Rachel from Genesis 29 v 6 actually means sheep.
Sarah is a princess or lady and can be indexed in Genesis 17 v15.
Sapphira is an unusual name meaning someone that tell or relates from Acts 5 v1.
Susannah is the name for a lily, a rose or simply joy and comes from Luke 8 v 3.
Tabitha is Aramaic and means clear sighted, found at Acts 9 v 36.
Tamara comes form the Hebrew for palm tree in Genesis 38 v 6.
And lastly, of course, Victoria from Deuteronomy 20 v 4 and meaning victory.

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