Sunday, 13 February 2011

Top 10 Valentine Gift Ideas

Valentine’s Day has become a Hallmark occasion filled with frivolity and fluffy sentiments.  It’s a day to be grateful for the human capacity to love, need and want a connection and company in life.  It’s a special date in the year to honour that special someone who walks beside you on your journey and thank them for their affection and support.

What better way to demonstrate your remembrance than with a gift wrapped token of appreciation but it’s cold outside, the year’s just beginning and the streets are filled with shoppers grabbing bargains in the January sales.  Then there is the conundrum of what to buy, what would your loved one appreciate?  Is a small token too small?  How important is Valentine’s Day when compared to say birthdays and Christmas?  Most exasperatingly of all, what do you get for the person who has everything and if they didn’t, received it at Christmas? 

Here are five gift ideas for her to inspire frantic fellows.

1.)    If woman are from Venus then it stands to reason that emotions and feelings of love weigh heavily on their minds.  Voicing your affection to a woman can be more meaningful than a string of posh restaurants and gimmicky flowers but as Shakespeare said, “Words without thoughts, never to Heaven go”.  Those three little words are wonderful to hear but proving them through your actions is even more precious. 

Now you can say and show your love at the same time with personalised “Reasons why I love you” book from love book online at $39.95.

If you find it hard to express yourself you can use the many suggestions, complete with doodles, in their templates or compose a list yourself and really think about how important that significant someone is.  This is a very romantic gesture and can be designed to your taste with stamps and drawings included.

2.)    Personalized keepsakes display added effort on your part and immediately earn you romantic brownie points.  What better present than a unique message in a bottle.  Conjure the passionate associations of gallant sea fairers, stormy tempests and anxious lovers with a private, penned note from you to your fair maiden. 

For $11.20 at they will print your words and place them in a seven inch bottle, complete with sand, shells and even a little beach umbrella.  It is a thoughtful gift and a decorative ornament that can be displayed with pride for years to come.

3.)    Any Valentine’s gift list would be remiss if it didn’t include jewellery.  Yes, jewellery is perhaps clichéd and predictable but there’s a very good reason that it’s such a stereotypical present.  Jewellery doesn’t have to be impersonal, often it can be very thoughtful, proving you’ve paid attention to a particular pendant that your lady friend paused just a little too long to stare at or purchasing an appropriate style and choice can speak volumes about how well you know a person.

Jewellery is seen as an intimate gift because it can be always present, worn and displayed and carry a secret affirmation of attachment and pride as well as being something pretty to complete an ensemble.

The best Valentine’s jewellery is simple and versatile and can accompany any outfit as a token of esteem and affection.  There are of, of course, many jewellers and retail outlets to peruse though.  If you are completely artistically lost something like a plain tiffany heart or rose in silver or gold can be quite affective or a Celtic triskel or claddagh that denotes unity can hold extra meaning.

4.)    Another popular gift that is timeless and considerate is a photograph frame or memory album.  The extra effort of choosing and picking a favourite picture of the two of you expresses caring and appreciation.  Again this can be placed in public view and is symbolic of a promise to continue to make happy memories such as the one framed.

A few suggestions could be a photo “love cube” for $17.70 again from or “Just the Two of Us” wooden, picture frame with modern design and an engraving of both your names from for $21.95.

5.)    If you want the classic romantic gesture of the single red rose then immortalise your gift by accompanying it with a decorative vase so that the gift will be remembered every time it is used such as, the “Pink Heart” vase or “Outline” vase from uncommon goods for $28.00 and $48.00 respectively or the funky personalised “Soul Mates” ceramic vase from gifts for you now at $29.95.

Don’t let your love wither and fade like the temporal rose but be a vessel that can constantly be refilled and nurture new life.

There are literally hundreds of gifts specially devoted to Valentine’s Day and just waiting for you to discover them.  Do an internet search for Valentine’s jewellery or personalised presents and get cracking.

Bear in mind that the stage and nature of your relationship with the recipient may cause certain gifts to be inappropriate, for example, buying lingerie in a new, untested relationship may give the wrong impression or some tokens may have been over used for past occasions in longer commitments.  Try to be original and put thought into your lover’s tastes, think about the colour scheme and choice of décor in their home before you buy a hot pink cushion or make sure their ears are pierced before you buy some elegant, drop earrings.

Now for the women struggling to find that perfect something and cursing the fact that men are notoriously hard to buy for, here are some suggestions.

1.)    Men are a lot more practical and gadget orientated as opposed to romantic and sentimental so it is hard to find something appropriate that’s personal but also functional.  One idea, if the man’s taste runs to such things, is a personalised bottle of wine.  For $74.95, offers a choice of three romantic and skilfully artistic designs that are literally etched onto the bottle along with any unique message you may wish to add.  The engraving is then hand painted and makes a stunning contrast to the burgundy hues of a full bottle of red wine. 

After you are done toasting yourselves, the bottle can be kept and refilled or used as a vase or decorative item for your home together.  Again this is a little different and very thoughtful for the wine connoisseur or simply to consume while making another happy memory.

2.)    Not particularly sentimental but certainly different and showing time, effort and research are luxury gifts such as a gift box of nostalgic candies from bygone days supplied by for $29.95 or the Microbrew brew basket, which comes in a durable, metal bucket along with tasty snacks and treats.  This costs $69.99 and includes, Samuel Adams Seasonal Ale, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Magic Hat #9, Longtrail Blackbeary Wheat, Smuttynose Old Brown Dog Ale, and Leinenkugal's Seasonal. 

There is also a similar product of beers from around the world for $89.99 or a gift basket devoted to Heineken for $79.99, all at

3.)    If you’re not quite at the romantic mini-break stage and want something thoughtful but not overly expensive or specific, a digital photo key ring could be exactly what you’re looking for.  You can pick these up for as little as $2.99 at Macy’s and it’s a non-saccharine way to say “I love getting to know you, spending time with you and making memories with you”.

As an added bonus, it’s a needless gadget that your special someone can refuse to read the instructions for and carry wherever he goes.  It could also represent the momentous occasion of showing commitment by attaching a key to your home or the new house you’ve bought together.

4.)    Funny gifts are also a way to go, a little light hearted token to say you appreciate them without the huge romantic gesture, for example, the “The Man, The Myth, The Legend” mugs with his name, from Cafepress for $15.00 or “I Love You” message prints for your morning toast for $4.84 from to mark those waking up together days or even a silver “My Last Rolo” in a presentation box for $56.69, again from  (This website also has a U.K. – address.)

5.)    For something a little more cosmic and unusual you can now claim a whole acre of the moon for the man in your life, surely a sound investment and who doesn’t want to get on the property ladder for only $16.99 from  This package comes with an “Acre of the Moon” certificate deed, a lunar map to show you the exact coordinates of your purchase, a copy of the Lunar constitution and bill of rights, a declaration of ownership from the Russian and U.S. governments and a document affirming your “Mineral Rights” on that personal acre.

Or for $39.95 at RedEnvelope you can top the moon and reach for the stars with your own “Name a Star” pack containing your registration information and details on your own chosen star.  This is a strange but fulfilling legacy and appeals to the boyish sense of adventure in your mate.

Thinking of something new and exciting for that male on your arm can indeed be challenging but there are so many ideas out there to choose from.  If none of the above suggestions float your boat, you may consider a special interest gift, for example, a retro rock band t-shirt for the music lover or even a personalised guitar pic, a “Create your own” ipad case for the computer nerd, a relaxing massage pillow for the stressed office worker or even an aphrodisiac themed cook book for the aspiring chef.

Whatever you choose the time and thought put into that special token will brighten any Valentine’s Day and be remembered throughout the year.

History and Origin of Saint Valentine

Unfortunately the story of Saint Valentine is yet another victim of the passage of time and lack of extant documentary evidence from antiquity.  However some information remains from which glorious legends and lore were birthed and nurtured.  Furthermore the ideas and aspirations of St. Valentine’s Day are arguably more vital and important to the human race than historical accuracy.

There are at least two ‘Valentine’s’ associated with the festival of February 14th according to Roman Catholic deification.  It was a popular name and was shared by a two Christian martyrs.  Firstly Valentine of Rome, a priest who died for his faith circa 269AD and was buried on the Via Flaminia, his remains interned at the Church of Saint Praxed in Rome and Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin. Secondly, Valentine of Terni, a bishop of Interamna who was slaughtered under the edict of Emperor Aurelius c. 197AD also buried under the Via Flaminia and the Basilica of St. Valentine in Terni.

With so little knowledge of these men, Pope Paul VI removed Valentine’s Day from the Calendar of the Saints in 1969 but by that point it was firmly established in popular culture.

Now the more colourful version of how Saint Valentine’s Day came to be; for this we will start at the end in order to understand the beginning! 

In the days of the great and powerful Roman Empire, paganism or the ancient Roman religion of gods and immortals was predominant in society.  Religion was a useful device to rule nations through fear of judgement or righteous anger of the gods who were ever present and influential in every act of nature and fate of men. 

When the rulers of these kingdoms converted to Christianity after its discreet and secretative roots in society, stemming from the time of the Crucifixion and Resurrection, the easiest way to spread its popularity was not to remove the few pleasures that the devout citizens had but enhance and mould them.  Many of our modern day Christian festivals occur on or around the date of a previous pagan festival as one religious celebration was replaced by another.  For example, New Year’s was the time of the Saturnalia when Janus, the god of doorways, with two faces, one glancing over the past and the other gazing into the future, was worshipped.

In the lifetime of the aforementioned Valentines, February 14th was a festival honouring the high goddess Juno (or Minerva in the Greek).  She was the wife of Jupiter (or Zeus), the king of the gods and thus was associated with the gift of power and also of marriage.  Juno Februa was seen as an observance to purity and maidenhead but this day was also the eve of the start of the Feast of Lupercalia, a festival of a few days that exulted fertility.  During this time the names of prospective young suitors were placed in a hat and drawn at random by unattached and nubile women.  The pair were then bound together for the duration of the feasting and these first stirrings of romance often bloomed into marriages.

As the story goes Valentine (of Rome as the other is forgotten or melds into one being) was a priest during the time of Emperor Claudius II.  Claudius was ruthless and bloody, a determined conqueror who would vanquish his enemies and enhance the hand of Rome.  However it seemed that many young men were not keen to join him on these tirades and the sagely ruler blamed matrimony and familial attachment for their reticence, thus banning the rituals and traditions of the Lupercalia and in fact all potential engagements and weddings.

It is said that Valentine was sympathetic to young love’s plight and wedded couples in secret until his treason was discovered and he was sentenced to be clubbed to death and beheaded.  Such a gruesome end seems almost inevitable for a would be Saint. 

The legend declares further that this cruel justice was delivered on February 14th and that Valentine himself was the first to pen a mournful, love letter to the jailor’s daughter (whom, some versions of the tale declare that he had previously healed of blindness).  The sentimental and tragic fable reveals that he signed this love note, “from your Valentine”.

There is no factual basis for these claims and in fact the day of Saint Valentine, observed by Holy orders, was not affiliated with romantic love at all until the medieval ages of Chaucer, who wrote:
For this was on seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make. 

["For this was Saint Valentine's Day, when every bird cometh there to choose his mate."]
Saint Valentine’s Day was officially established by Pope Gelasius in 500AD and today we send affectionate favours and affirmations of devotion along with Hallmark, greetings cards and accustomed symbols of love and courtship, such as flowers, chocolates and heart hugging, lovable, fluffy critters. 

It is a day to honour the most sacred and miraculous of human emotions that separate us from lesser species and perhaps reveal a spark of something divine.  This day undoubtedly means something very different to modern patrons than it did millennia ago but the admiration and adulation of love and goodness surely pardons any imaginative critique on the history books.

Celebrity New Year's Resoltions 2011

The public love to live vicariously through iconic celebrities who live the lives that many of us only dream about.  We tend to distance the famous from normal people, seeing them as untouchable and sometimes even dieify them to lofty pedalstools and standards.  This is understandable as fame and fortune our influences in life choices and styles that many of us can’t conceive of but labelling someone as better or worse for their influence and media stature is dangerous.  The lives of these individuals are so exposed and reported that fans can have more knowledge of their heroes than their own family and that begs the question of whether these folk we aspire to are worthy role models for society.

The mundane and familiar environmental and social education and influences on these celebrities was perhaps never so evidenced as through their ‘New Year’s Resolutions for 2011’.  The curious and attentive populace wished to know what some of their favourite stars planned to change in the coming year.

The response was very down to earth in most cases with people like Kate Gosselin, of American pregnant reality show fame and Kim Kardashian, producer, actress and model commenting on their dating life and the epic comedian Jack Black voicing the wide spread hope on losing some weight.

A little different but still understandable due to celebrity lifestyles and commitments, Justin Timberlake of singing fame vowed to “get more sleep”, the female diva Miley Cyrus wanting to travel and Anderson Copper of CNN wishing to be a better friend to  his friends.

However some other recognisable faces made statements that in some cases were ridiculous, childish or even offensive.  Mel Gibson, for example managed to comment on his communication, sex life and gardening skills all in one breath.  The notorious actor/director is no novice in newspaper scandals and often diminishes his artistic talent through supposed bigotry and soap box antics on Catholism and Scientology.

Charlie Sheen, famous son of actor Martin Sheen with questionable reviews and success is older and wiser and apparently funnier as the fading star declares his intent to go back to comedy acting.

Brett Ratner, a huge name in the film industry involved in such box office masterpieces as Red Dragon and X-men: The Last Stand is taking some advice this year: “In 2011, I’m finally going to get around to reading some X-Men comics. My assistant says the characters have some really interesting back stories.”  While Ben Affleck of Armageddon and Will Hunting fame merely is desperate not to work in Boston again, ever.

Jerry Seinfeld is as immodest as ever as the award winning comic responses with sarcasim, “I want to make $75 million dollars without doing much of anything. Oh wait, I did that in 2010. I’m such a lucky asshole.”  Natalie Portman is a lot more demur and beautiful as she prays for her unborn baby and then ruefully prophesises her post-pregnant state as “Carrie Fisher frumpy-ness”.  Apparently the curse of Star Wars women.

Baby Girl Names

When a new baby is born their parents want to name him or her something meaningful and different.  The importance of a name has been paramount in religious ceremony for millennia.  A name is the first aspect of identity and difference between individuals.  So many names are recycled in popularity but unless the parents are naming their child after someone they love or admire, it is common to want a name that is absent from their close community to signify a new life and new beginning.

There seems to be resurgence in the use of Biblical names perhaps as they are more old fashioned and uncommon or perhaps for what those names have come to mean and stand for.  There are over one hundred and sixty women mentioned in the Bible.  Some are only mentioned briefly or in passing and most people won’t even be aware that certain names have origins in the Bible.  Others are much more common for even those who are not well versed in scripture.

Mary is the most obvious and famous of female Biblical names.  It means rebellion or overthrow and may refer to the new wave of faith and promise of life that Mary the mother of Jesus was to instigate.  Mary the Madonna was a young unmarried woman to whom the angel Gabriel foretold that she would bare the Lord’s son out of wedlock.  This was even more scandalous in antiquity than modern society and the strength and devotion of Mary is highly praised.  She was even present at the crucifixion enduring the most unbearable pain for any mother with grace and belief.

Hannah is also well known and means grace or favoured.  She was supposed to be infertile but was blessed with a son, Samuel and in return for God’s kindness she gave Samuel back to the church under the care of Eli who would utter those immortal words of advice to the boy when God spoke to him, telling him to say, “Speak master, your servant is listening.”

Elizabeth meaning “oath of God” would birth the prophet John the Baptist whose onus was to prepare the way for the coming of God’s son, Jesus.  She was an old woman when she fell pregnant and thought such a condition to be impossible.  She showed great wisdom and faith as she leant words of support to Mary and rejoiced in their mutual blessings.

A few less recognised names include:

Abigail – mentioned in first Samuel 25 v 3 and meaning “Father’s joy”.
Ariel, not just the little mermaid but mentioned in Ezra and meaning altar; light or lion of God.
Bernice from Acts 25 v 13 – one that brings victory.
Bethany conversely the “House of Song” or “House of affliction” in Matthew 21 v 7.
Candace – Acts 8 v27 meaning one who possesses contrition.
Carmel meaning harvest from Joshua 12 v22.
Drusilla meaning watered by the dew with scripture reference Acts 24 v 24
Diana – with the very beautiful meaning of luminous or perfect hailing from Acts 19 v 27
Esther from the book of Esther meaning secret or hidden.
Eva from Genesis 3 v 20 meaning vivacious and living.
Faith has become a familiar name and is mentioned most beautiful with hope and charity in first Corinthians 13.
Joanna from Luke 8 v 3 meaning gift from God or grace.
Judith, genesis 26 v34 meaning praise of the Lord or confession.
Leah from Genesis 29 v16 translating as weary or tired.
Lois from second Timothy 1 v 5 meaning simply, better.
Miriam means rebellion and comes from Exodus 15 v 20.
Myra translates as I flow or weep and can be found in Acts 27 v 5.
Naomi which means beautiful and comes from Ruth 1 v 2.
Oprah is also actually Biblical, coming from Judges 6 v 11 and meaning both dust and a fawn.
Phoebe means shining or pure from Romans 16 v 1.
Priscilla from Acts 18 v 2 and means ancient.
Rachel from Genesis 29 v 6 actually means sheep.
Sarah is a princess or lady and can be indexed in Genesis 17 v15.
Sapphira is an unusual name meaning someone that tell or relates from Acts 5 v1.
Susannah is the name for a lily, a rose or simply joy and comes from Luke 8 v 3.
Tabitha is Aramaic and means clear sighted, found at Acts 9 v 36.
Tamara comes form the Hebrew for palm tree in Genesis 38 v 6.
And lastly, of course, Victoria from Deuteronomy 20 v 4 and meaning victory.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Promotional Video For Creative Writing Contest!

Poets and authors, bohemians and book worms, welcome to Strictly Shakespeare.
Strictly Shakespeare is a new creative writing community and Monthly competition site.
You don't have to write like Shakespeare to enter!!!

It is open to any amateur writers over the age of 18 and has two separate sections for poetry and prose.

Each month you can submit up to 5 entries in each section based on a monthly prompt!

This month’s prompt is Valentine's Day.

The Top Ten in each contest are then put to the Public Vote to reveal the Cash Prize Winners.

The prizes are dependent upon number of entries so please help grow this community!

Come join the fun and challenge your talent at